Page Updated 05/01/07
Copy of article provided by Chuck Lange AMHC 70-73 TE-1
The Pointer Logo
Naval Air Station, Barber's Point, Territory of Hawaii        July 23. 1957

Squadron Moves to New Site

The on-board count for Naval Air Station Barbers's Point was depleted by the loss of close to 90 officers and 500 enlisted on July 1 when the Airborne Early Warning Squadron One (VW-1) left for its new home port at NAS Agana Guam.

The squadron had been stationed at Barber's Point since its commissioning here in 1952. In the years following, the squadron grew from four PB1W's (the Navy version of the B-17) to its present complement of nine WV-2's.

Airborne Early Warning-1 has as its primary mission the provision of airborne CIC services to the Pacific Fleet. With VW-2, its Atlantic Fleet counterpart, it acts as the warning eyes of carrier task forces.

The squadron is under the command of Captain E. M. Morgan. In its five years of operations here, it has pioneered AEW techniques in cooperation with Pacific Fleet Units, according to Commander M. V. Montgomery, the squadron's executive officer.

In the years on board this station, VW-1 has operated out of and occupied quonset #108.

Captain George P. Koch, commanding officer of the Naval Air Station, was on hand for the takeoff ceremonies. An estimated 50 officers and dependents were also present when the group left on July 1. The NAS station band played for the departure.