Page Updated 06/27/11
Copy of article from the scrap book of Mrs. Carolyn R. Anderson,
Wife of the late Capt. Fernald P. Anderson first C.O. of VW-1.
Sent by their son Col. William (Bill) Anderson USMC Ret."
1 April 1953

Island Information

Of all the islands in the Hawaiian archipelago, Oahu is the most heavily populated and industrialized. It is also the seat of Hawaii's government, therefore it is called the "Capital Island." It is on this island that most Hawaii-bound ships stop to leave cargo and take aboard Hawaiian products. Much sugar cane is grown and semi-refined here. Large crops of pineapples come from Oahu. All major military and naval installations are on this island.


Hawaii is the largest of the islands. It is known as the "Big Island" and the "Orchid Island" because of the large number of orchids grown there. Two active volcanos are on this island, but they are dormant at present. The last volcanic activity was at Mauna Loa in June, 1950. Of all the islands, Hawaii produces the greatest amount of sugar.


Kauai is known as the "Garden Isle" because of its many and various colorful flowers.


Lanai is the "Pineapple Island" because it is completely owned by a pineapple company. This fruit is the island's only product.


Maui is called the "Valley Isle" because of its extinct volcano crater called "Haleakala" (The House of the Sun), and its several winding stream beds.


The "Friendly Island" is Molokai. There is a leper colony on this island which Robert Louis Stevenson wrote about.


Other islands in the chain include Kahoolawe, used as a bombing and shelling target, and Niihau, devoted entirely to cattle raising.