2008 Entertainment
Page 1.

Photo's courtesy of Leroy White, Dave Cousineau, Gary Oulman, and Jim Tandy.

Page Updated 08/16/08
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The Red Herring Theatre Ensemble provided a "live theatre" entertainment for the reunion attendees with a "whodunit" murder mystery.

The setting was of the grand opening of the Black Orchid speakeasy in downtown Chicago during prohibition. The actors ate dinner with us, albiet at a separate table, and mixed with the audience, visiting each table, describing their relationship with the other characters. Most of these relationships were strained and convoluted. During these table visits they would often pose for photo's and light conversation but always in character which eventually led to possible motives later.

The characters had some squabbles and fights. When one of the characters was murdered, a police detective (who had been going around the audience as an undercover police officer) asked the audience to help solve the mystery by asking questions of each character to figure out who was the murderer.


-----Introducing the cast of characters-----

Roxie the lady in red. She was paid by "Fast Eddie" to spy on her boyfriend's business dealings.

Quentin Sinclair is Roxie's boyfriend. He was the owner of the Black Orchid speakeasy and giving the grand opening party. He had the nickname Ira, but he hated that name.

Ellie Ness, police detective in charge of the overall investigation. She initially was an undercover cop posing as a customer.

Mildred the wife of Seymor Carleton is in purple

Seymor Carleton, the police commissioner is the tall guy in the middle (who was running for mayor).

Bubbles is the big blond, dumb as a box of rocks, the girl friend of Fast Eddie.

Fast Eddie is the one in the white beard on the right. He owned one side of Chicago for speakeasies and booze. One of his best establishments was mysteriously burned down the previous year.

Each table of attendee's became a team of investigators lead by a chief investigator of the team. Each team would discuss all motives and clues that had been noted prior to the murder. The chief investigator would assign one of his/her investigators to search out the character to be questioned, bringing the answers back to the table for further analysis by the team.

Two of the nine teams figured out who the murderer was but one team was declared the winner because they brought forward one extra clue.

These pictures are just a few of the many sent in for viewing. For more pictures of this event see Page 2.

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Bubbles mixes with the audience telling various stories about the other characters.

Pictured in the left most picture Bubbles is at the table with Ed Metzger and the Madsens.

In the second picture, Bubbles introduces herself to Jim Laposta.

In the third picture, Bubbles gives Ron Tusing a warm welcome.

In the fourth picture, Carlton, the police commissioner, who is also running for mayor, introduces himself to Jim and Ruth Tandy.
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Bubbles is snuggled by Cruz Martinez

Ellie Ness, the undercover cop, posing as a customer gets acquainted with the some association members.

Leroy White who always enjoys hugs from the ladies,

Bill Green and Dave Cousineau (receiving the kiss)

and Lenn Bailey, who looks quite surprised and embarrassed with his greeting.
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Roxie gets aquainted with Darlene Lyon and Mary Jane Weyers

and then moves around to meet with Ruby Berry

and then Mary Ann Vilsack and Everett Speas

Fast Eddie gets some laughs from Gary Oulman looking away from the camera, Jane and Ralph Link and Martha Thompson (in the red coat).
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