2008 Tour Bus

Photo's courtesy of Leroy White, Gary Oulman, Chuck Lange and Bud Hummel.

Page Updated 09/04/08
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These pictures are from various days during the reunion that involve some activity around the bus that took us around to our various tours.

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The first picture on the left shows reunion attendees boarding bus Jack Gergal, Peggy Laposta, Jim Laposta is behind Peggy and further back Mary Ann Vilsack.

The 2nd. picture, Pete Wasmund boarding the bus.

The 3rd. picture, Russell Weyers as seen through other reunion attendees on the bus.

Sally Metzger gets ready to count heads while Frank Doty looks on.
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Tom Hoover poses with our tour bus driver.

Looking down the isle at a bus load of reunion attendees.

Tom Hoover telling another story while Joe Vilsack looks like he is ready for a nap after our lunch at the Garden of the Gods.

Leroy White pauses for a picture while Ruby walks back to the bus. Larry Morris is on the left.
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The 1st. picture shows reunion attendees getting ready to board the bus after stopping at an observation point at the Garden of the Gods.

2nd. picture shows a group of reunion attendees waiting for the remainder of the group to exit Guisseppe's Old Depot Resturant. Shown left to right are Mary Ann Vilsack, Peggy Laposta (back to camera), Jim Laposta, Ed Metzger, Earl Works, Larry Morris and Jesse Garcia walking toward Larry.

The rd. picture shows reunion attendees taking pictures and enjoying the view at an observation point in the Garden of the Gods
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