Page Updated 03/23/10

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May 1952

NAVY Changes Plane Titles

Lockheed Aircraft Will Carry Only V

Like the old gray mare who wasn't what she used to be, the Navy has some airplanes that aren't called by the same names anymore.

After going through many war and post-war years with the title PB4Y-2, the lumbering Privateers recently dropped the "B" from their names and from now on are known only as P4Y-2's. Bombing is no longer one of its missions. The PBM was not changed.

The confusion over the use of the letters "O" and "V" to designate Lockheed-made planes also has been done away with. From know on all Lockheed planes will carry the V, as in P2V. The following changes in designations of planes which formerly carried the "O" were announced.

The R70 Super Constellation will be the R7V, the TO-1 Shooting Star jet will be the TV-1, the TO-2, trainer jet will be TV-2. The PO-1W early warning plane will be WV-1 and the PO-2W the WV-2. Those big Constitution transports, the R6O-1's, will hence forth go as R6V-1's.