Page Added 03/24/10

Naval Aviation News logo
May 1952
Come on, Fellows, Give up

Persuasion on Guam WWII Holdouts

Almost eight years after the end of WWII, the Navy will again attempt to induce the Japanese holdouts on Guam to surrender as their countrymen did.

Making a hedge-hopping flight over the jungles of Guam, a Navy plane recently dropped 12,000 pamphlets urging the ten or more former Japanese soldiers believed straggling through that area, to surrender.  The pamphlets stressed the fact that those who surrender will have a happy return to Japan, their families and loved ones.  The flight made is in conjunction with three search parties composed of Guam government personnel, Guam police, naval representatives from ComNavMar and local press officials.

Each party headed for sectors in which evidence of the nomad Japanese occupancy had been discovered.  They left plastic sealed packets containing Japanese newspapers, letters, photos of present day Japan and similar material in strategic places, hoping to induce the vagrants surrender.