It was with great reluctance that the Commanding Officer of Airborne Early Warning Squadron THREE signed the orders of Master Chief BRUNO transferring him to Airborne Early Warning Squadron ONE upon the deactivation of AEWRON THREE in June.
Chief Bruno was recently given a commendation by the Commanding Officer for his loyal attendance at morning quarters. The commendation went on to say that his attention to duty and devotion to duty has been an inspiration to all hands of Airborne Early Warning Squadron THREE.

The Chief is well liked by all and is an excellent morale factor for the entire Naval Air Station, Agana, Guam. While riding on the station bus is one of his main means of transportation, the Chief is often driven around in the squadron vehicles. The Chief has never found it difficult to find a seat on the bus and all hands are of one mind in this respect, they all let him sit while they stand. No one has ever complained of standing while the Chief has a seat, even though he may be the last one to board the bus.
The Chief while retaining his trim figure, is often referred to as a "Chow Hound." It is a known fact that he has his choice of chow and eats better than any one else at the Air Station Galley. Due to his seniority in the Navy as a Master Chief, Chief Bruno has his own private dining quarters adjacent to the galley.
Upon checking into the squadron in January careful consideration was given to where the Chief should sleep. It was the feeling after considerable discussion that due to his seniority that he should be given special quarters next to the squadron barracks. The Chief, however, feeling a keen sense of responsibility to his job in the squadron area has chosen to sleep by himself in the squadron area so that he may make periodic inspections of the offices and working spaces as well as the aircraft. It is a known fact that the Chief is a dog lover but due to his job with the squadron he has no place to keep one.
Chief BRUNO is happy and satisfied in the Navy although he has had some trouble in adjusting to the Navy way of life. One of his greatest problems has been that he has never been able to find a uniform his size. But what could you expect with Chief BRUNO, for he is not pay grade E-9 but rather K-9. (For you see, BRUNO is a DOG)