2008 Entertainment
Page 2.

Photo's courtesy of Leroy White, Dave Cousineau, Gary Oulman, and Jim Tandy.

Page Updated 08/16/08
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The Red Herring Theatre Ensemble provided a "live theatre" entertainment for the reunion attendees with a "whodunit" murder mystery.

The setting was of the grand opening of the Black Orchid speakeasy in downtown Chicago during prohibition. The actors mixed with the audience, visiting each table, describing their relationship with the other characters. Most of these relationships were strained and convoluted. During these table visits they would often pose for photo's and light conversation but always in character which eventually led to possible motives later.

The characters had some squabbles and fights. When one of the characters was murdered, a police detective (who had been going around the audience as an undercover police officer) asked the audience to help solve the mystery by asking questions of each character to figure out who was the murderer.

Each table of attendee's became a team of investigators lead by a chief investigator of the team. Each team would discuss all motives and clues that had been noted prior to the murder. The chief investigator would assign one of his/her investigators to search out the character to be questioned, bringing the answers back to the table for futher analysis by the team.

Two of the nine teams figured out who the murderer was but one team was declared the winner because they brought forward one extra clue.

These pictures are just a few of the many sent in for viewing.

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Ira squeezes Karla Tusing and Jane Bailey

Ellie Ness, the undercover cop puts a relaxing hold on Joe Vilsack while his wife Mary Ann looks on.

Ron Tusing finds Mildred, the police commissioners wife in his lap.

While at Letty Hall's table, Fast Eddie discusses some of his issues with the other characters.
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Dick Lee listens in as Roxie gossips about the other characters

Dottie Wasmund (forground) and Mary Ann Cousineau listen in as Roxie makes some suggestive comments about the other characters.

Ira and Fast Eddie toast each other at the table of Jim Laposta, Sandra and Chuck Lange.

Jim Laposta and Sandra Lange are greatly amused by Ellie Ness, the undercover cop's comments.
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Mildred, Carlton's wife vists the table of Carroll Walker

Mildred, Carlton's wife tells Carroll Walker that her daughter HELEN was born very early after she and Carlton got married. But Ira was really the father.

Mildred, Carlton's wife and Ira have a discussion of their past, while Sidney and Jack Gergal listen in.

Gary Oulman takes a photo opportunity with Bubbles.
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Dick Lee gets an earful from Carlton and from Ellie Ness, the undercover cop.

Ira goes about his business of meeting everyone. Lenn and Jane Bailey are immediately to the right of Ira. Ellie Ness, is on Ira's left working another table of association members.

Mary Winter listens intently to Ira's story about the other characters as Mary Jane and Russell Weyers listen in.

Ira proposes another of his many toasts to the customers who attended the grand opening of the Black Orchid. Association members Karen Speas, Peggie and Jim Laposta listen in.
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Bubbles responds to Vaughn Callison's questioning while Chuck Koeber listens in.

Mary Ann Cousineau questions Roxie about the murder. While in the background Seymore Carlton is questioned by other association members

Bubbles responds to Sally Metzgers questioning.

Vaughn Callison quizes Carlton and his wife about the murder while Suzanne Callison listens in and takes notes.
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